Reclaim your wild.

We intend to foster reconnection to nature through Earth stewardship, ethical harvesting, and providing quality herbal preparations to those in need. Join us our adventure as we build an off the grid sanctuary with the forest. Want to know how you can support us? Check our Patreon to become a supporting member of our initiative!

Join our Patreon! or consider making a donation toward our efforts here!

How can our connection to nature improve quality of life?

Biologically, we as humans adapt / evolve slower than the rapid rate of technological evolution. Nature itself sees evolution as a long term game, it's a marathon not a sprint. The enormous pressure of the modern world has taken major toll on our nervous system, minds, bodies, and spirits. The slow moving pulse of nature vibrates at a different frequency than the instantaneous demands of a direct message


Disconnect to reconnect.

Trains, planes, and automobiles, engines revving, generators whirring. The sounds of modern life have a profound effect on our central nervous system and our ability to slow down and access our natural baseline of well being.

“The Sanctuary has provided that space to connect with raw nature, and a consistent space to befriend, to learn the local language of the beings that reside in that space.”

—Patrick Nitch of Mindful Nashvlle

We craft with love and intention.

Many of the products we offer are cultivated organically or wildcrafted, If a base material is not available we seek co-ops and farms.